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2014 Office Market Forecast
Northern Nevada was up to a lot of activity in the last quarter of 2013! Click on the link to read our office market report about 4Q13,...
Looking for tech talent? You better have a cool space.
According to the Portland Business Journal, if we are going to attract some cool tech companies, we need to be able to provide them with...

Quality office space grows more scarce
Kevin Annis and Mike Van Blaricom were quoted in Northern Nevada Business Weekly's article on the region's office space. Read about it...

2014: Northern Nevada home builders hammering again
Reno Gazette Journal’s summary of Mark Krueger's residential land and new home forecast presentation made January 15th for the Builders...

Mark Krueger's 2014 Forecast and Beyond Presentation
It was a sold out crowd today at the 2014 Forecast and Beyond event hosted by the Builders Association and CCIM of Northern Nevada! The...
Reno #2 Emerging Ski Town
Our beloved Biggest Little City keps popping up on lists of all kinds! The latest, Top 10 Emeriging Ski Towns, Reno places #2 for our...

Predictions For Housing in 2014
These trends definitely apply to the northern Nevada residential market. An improving market is expected in 2014; but not the big price...
UNR Ranked 17th BEST College
Higher education is valued here in Northern Nevada, and that is good for businesses looking to come to Reno, knowing they will have...

Bright Office Market on the Reno Horizon
Office property construction is starting to come back. Once we hit the right vacancy percent and lease rates, we will start building...
Reno > New York
"Commercial-property sales by dollar volume surged 222 percent in Reno in the eight months through August from a year earlier." In 5...
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